Norwegian cooperation

28 April 2023

Decca Wiper - Brodrene Aa

Jon Martin Rønnekleiv is head of service and aftersales at Brødrene Aa. This shipbuilder of composite ferries has been using our wipers for many years. In this interview, Jon explains why their choice fell on Decca Wiper and how they experience our service.


"We had problems with our wipers and started looking for another, Norwegian supplier," says Jon. "Decca Wiper is located near us: they are always quick to help us!"

Composite ferries

Brødrene Aa is a world leader in building fast ferries made of carbon fibre composites. The shipyard is located in Hyen on the west coast of Norway and has 170 employees. The company is known as a pioneer in the use of composite materials for fast ferry applications. First with glass fibre composites in the 1970s and today with carbon fibre composites.

Enduring relationship

Jon: "We have now been working with Decca Wiper for about eight years. And we like it! It is a lasting relationship. They are very knowledgeable; provide quick service and they know very well what we want. We were looking for a regular supplier for all our wipers and we found it."

Easy fitting

"What makes the wipers good for our ships is the quality. And they integrate well on our ships. The wipers are reliable, and they are easy to assemble as well as to disassemble in case of repair." Jon continues: "We build about five ferries a year on average: for all of them, we order the wipers from Decca Wiper."

Smooth delivery times

Jon: "Our engineers specify the dimensions in drawings and Decca Wiper's specialists then come up with a solution. We know each other well and that facilitates the process of getting the products well matched! Moreover, delivery times are smooth, prices are competitive, and we work together in a good atmosphere. As far as we are concerned, we will continue our relationship!"

Want to know more about our smooth and quality service? Then get in touch with us.

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Exalto Decca Wiper Technologies AS er et datterselskap av Exalto Wiper Technologies B.V.